Interview Tips...


  • Dress neatly, plain color suits are preferred
  • Find out in advance, the correct address of the interview & the name and title of the interviewers
  • Bring your resume, certificates, and reference letters, together with an extra copy for the interviewer to keep
  • Research the background of the company
  • Recollect the details of your education and work history
  • Be prepared for the potential questions that will be asked
  • Be well rested and relaxed before & during your interview

  • Arrive on time, preferably 5-10 minutes earlier
  • Fill out the application form, neatly, if requested to do so
  • Greet the interviewer by his/her surname, with a firm & confident handshake
  • Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer throughout the interview
  • Stay calm, confident, interested, and focused throughout the interview

  • Listen carefully to questions, ask for clarification if necessary
  • Ask for the duties of the job early in the interview so that you could relate your experiences and abilities to the job
  • Give short and precise answers but try not to reply simply by a “Yes” or “No” answer
  • Pay attention to correct grammar and use of word
  • Take notes, if you feel they cover important points
  • Avoid Criticizing your past employers


Try to relate your answers to each question directly to the role for which you are interviewing, while demonstrating how your unique approach can benefit the company.
  • Why are you interested in "Our Company" and the Position?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What can you offer to the company?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Have you done anything about your weaknesses?
  • What was your biggest challenge in your previous job and how you did you handle it?
  • What was your biggest achievement in your previous work experience?
  • What have you learned from your previous job(s)?
  • What is your career objective in the next five years?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
  • What are your interests & hobbies?
  • What is your financial status, such as mortgage, dependency, etc?
  • What is/are your reason/s for leaving your previous position/s?

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the position?
  • How is the team, department and overall organization structured?
  • How long will it take to fully integrate into the position and the company?
  • What are the perceived expectations for the position?

  • Stay positive if you are not being offered the job right away , they might need more time to compare you to other candidates
  • Thank the interviewer for their time and the opportunity to present your skills
  • Call your Consultant at Top Executive immediately for advice, and so that they can represent your intentions accurately
  • Accept the job offer, if you want it, and if it is extended to you
  • If you require time to think about it, ask for a specific date to get back to the interviewer